An Old Friend Visits
An Old Friend Visits (2012-10-05 16:17:59)
Former member Charlotte Betts gave a talk to the group about how she wrote her novels and the road to publication. Charlotte started writing 12 years ago and spoke of the invaluable support she received from Slough Writers, before leaving 9 years ago. She has had two novels published by Piatkus and is due to have a third published. Her novels are historical romances. The first, The Apothecary’s Daughter, is set in London during The Restoration and the sequel, The Painter’s Apprentice, is set during the Glorious Revolution in the 17th century.
The Apothecary’s Daughter was picked up by an agent via the You Write On website, having been voted book of the year 2010 and also won the Romantic Novelists’ Association’s New Writers Award in 2011
Charlotte read a couple of passages from the books and talked about her research. The evening ended with a period of questions and answers and then Charlotte signed copies of her books for members.
Author Charlotte Betts (sitting) visits Slough Writers.
From the left standing: Visitor Tom, Sally Clark, Chair Terry Adlam, Sally East and Carol Breuer.