2015 Short Story Competition Results
Results of 2015 Short Story Competition Announced (2015-04-03 12:39:30)
The competition results were:
From the left: Wally Smith, Sally East, Lorraine Forrest-Turner, William Campbell, Ian Savage (judge), Carol Breuer and, inset, Lee Taylor. photo by Terry Adlam.
1st and the SW Short Story Trophy: Flying Like A Bird by Carol Breuer
2nd: Untitled 67-11 by William Campbell
3rd: A Pleasant Interlude by Lee Taylor
Highly commended: First Dance by Lorraine Forrest-Turner
Highly commended: Ralph and Georgie by Wally Smith
Highly commended: Dollface by Sally East
Our judge, Ian Savage, began by introducing himself and giving a brief resum� of his career in publishing. There were 13 entries and Ian said that he had expected to be able to disregard 4 or 5 on first read through, but he was unable to do this because of the high standard when looking at plot, characterisation etc., so he set two rules.
1. Nobody would lose marks for grammar or punctuation.
2. He would take into account the degree of pleasure he gained from the stories.
Ian chose three winning stories and three highly commended stories. He commented that the use of a single word as the theme was successful in allowing the authors to go anywhere with it.
Carol, William and Sally read their stories.