2013 Short Story Competition Results
Results of the 2013 Short Story Competition Announced. (2013-03-28 22:41:48)
Results of the short story competition using ‘piano’ as the stimulus and judged by Reading Writers were announced at our meeting on Monday 25th March 2013. There were 14 entries.
The winners were:
1st The End of a Concerto by Carol Breuer
2nd: Encore by Jennifer Heward-Craig
3rd: Tombstones and Keys by Sonya Weiss
From the left: Carol, Jenni and Sonya. Unfortunately, two of the winners were unable to attend so we could not take a group photograph of the successful writers with our visitors.
Three members of Reading Writers, Josh, Julia and Charles (left hand photo above), joined us for the meeting to give the results and talk about the judging. They said that they were an incredibly creative set of stories, given the single word prompt, with an astonishing diversity of themes. The stories were particularly impressive where the writers took risks.
Reading Writers is a group of 25 writers, 9 of whom agreed to judge the competition. Each judge read all the entries and gave feedback to the administrator, Alana, who produced a shortlist of 5 stories:-Tombstones and Keys (Sonya), Encore (Jenni), Captain Fantastic and the Dirt Brown Cowboy (Sally E), The End of a Concerto (Carol) and Tuning into the Past (Mike)
Terry thanked the Reading Writers for such thorough judging. We will be judging their writing competition next term. The theme is earth or Earth and can be a short story, play or novel extract.